SolarSupplierCube is a database that covers historical and upcoming investments, contract awards and service purchases for solar energy projects. It provides supply and demand analysis for raw materials such as polysilicon, ingots and wafers, solar cells and modules, solar trackers and other equipment, as well as EPC. All historical data and forecasts are derived from our bottom-up, plant-by-plant, project-by-project research, tracking all activities in the supply chain as well as solar projects from early concept through award, start-up and decommissioning.
Stay on top of the fast-growing solar supply chain.
Analyze supply and demand for the main components in different sectors.
Track costs and understand price formations.
Understand historical and future installations of solar projects globally.
Identify geographies and target operators based on future demand.
Examine technology trends and development plans for specific countries or operators.
Identify investment trends and the player landscape.
Energy service companies
Energy companies: Procurement and supply chain analysis
Financial market: Investors, investment banking, equity research and M&A
Governments and governmental agencies
Consulting and advisory firms
Understand which manufacturers plan to scale up their production and how supply capacity will develop over the next years. Research supply and demand for solar components by geography, component type, and more.
Learn about the key suppliers of each component and their market shares in terms of production capacity, shipments, and revenue.
Understand price formation and cost drivers for solar module and solar projects.
Understand global solar energy installation activity in terms of installed capacity, module type, and geography. Identify installation opportunities by looking at annual additions under different energy scenarios, and recognize demand for solar module components and operational services.