WellCube is a database that covers every single well in the world. It is used to address the trends within drilling, completion, intervention, and P&A. Data is further split along market dimensions such as geography, on-/offshore, well type, reservoir type for all fields, discoveries and exploration licenses.
Understand the historical and future global well drilling and completion market
Analyze trends and size of any well driven market
Identify geographies and target E&P operators based on future demand
Examine drilling trends and development plans for specific countries or operators
Identify upcoming opportunities in the geothermal well market
Screen for markets suitable for your products and services
Oilfield service companies
Oil and gas companies: Procurement and supply chain analysis
Financial market: Investors, investment banking, equity research, and M&A
Governments and governmental agencies
Consulting and advisory firms
Examine how the well count for all countries worldwide, drives the market of your interest. Our bottom-up approach allows users to split the data down to individual countries and projects, enabling you to understand what drives the outlook for drilling and completion.
Run detailed analysis for a specific region, identifying the key drivers, players, and projects. Benchmark different geographies against each other to understand different performance indexes.
Understand the impact of oil price sensitivity on E&P activity going forward and the changes in demand for different service segments globally.
Assess how drilling trajectory, days & length and other key completion and production components drive well activity.